La espectacular brecha entre el Método Reiki y la mentalidad occidental.

La espectacular brecha entre el Método Reiki y la mentalidad occidental.


Cuando Mikao Usui creó el Método Reiki no se inventó nada que no estuviera incorporado en su propia cultura y en su manera de ver la vida. Usui era un hombre afortunado porque nació y creció en una época, en una familia, una cultura y una sociedad (el Japón Imperial) con unas características particulares. Era un hombre comprometido con su tiempo y con la Buena Ayuda, que llevó a cabo de muchas maneras a lo largo de su vida. Y no sólo lo hizo a partir del Método Reiki, método al que dió forma apenas 4 años antes de su muerte, cuando ya era un hombre de 64 años.

Para poder explicarte lo que vengo a explicarte, necesito antes hacer una breve referencia al metamodelodescubierto por Bandler y Grinder (los creadores de la PNL) y que comprendieron observando y estudiando profundamente el trabajo de Fritz Perls y Virginia Satir en psicoterapia… y apoyándose también en la Gramática Transformacional de Noam Chomsky. Bandler y Grinder descubrieron que las personas cuando hablamos, mostramos la estructura superficial de nuestro paisaje interno… y que lo que expresamos al hablar  es nuestro mapa de la realidad. Pero el mapa no es el territorio: y este mapa está repleto dedistorsiones, generalizaciones y eliminaciones.

Evidentemente a nivel individual nuestro mapa nos puede ofrecer la posibilidad de no ver dificultades en donde sí las hay (recuerdas aquello de “como no sabía que era imposible, lo hizo”?)… pero también, y lamentablemente esto es mucho más frecuente, nos puede limitar, empobrecer, y restringir enormemente.

Para entender la brecha entre el Método Reiki y la mentalidad occidental, necesitamos tomar consciencia de este concepto del mapa de la realidad.

Internamente todos tenemos trazado un mapa de la realidad, con los colores de nuestras creencias, nuestros compromisos, nuestras fidelidades, nuestros esquemas culturales sociales, nuestros permisos… olas fronteras que estos ponen a nuestro desempeño en la Vida. Intentar salirnos de este mapa es algo que crea tensiones internas, y a veces externas, y normalente evitamos hacerlo. Y te voy a dar un ejemplo:

Cuando hablas de energía, de conexión espiritual, o de desarrollo interior con un occidental al que este tema le es ajeno, te mira con cara de no comprender lo que le dices. E incluso en algunos momentos, con algunas personas, puedes llegar a sentirte “rara” o a veces un poco “angustiada” o “incómoda”. Cuando esto ocurre has dado con un muro: el muro trazado por el mapa de la realidad de la otra persona.

Te pongo otro ejemplo más, mira: en mi casa mi mapa de la realidad era diferente al de los demás niños. En mi casa, como ya te he contado alguna otra vez, “eramos artistas”. Esto implica un modelo de la realidad diferente: era la década de los 70 y mi padre practicaba Yoga, Meditación Trascendental, hacía ayunos de varios días, leía sobre macrobiótica, arquetipos, psicoanálisis, poesíacomponía música, publicaba libros: su modelo de la realidad era más abierto que el de la mayoría de las personas, y causaba ciertos niveles de asombro y admiración porque a veces salía en los periódicos o daba conciertos en grandes teatros.

Imagina entonces: para la gente del barrio éramos raros que te mueres. De hecho oí muchas veces decir a algunas personas que mi padre era muy raro. Ya lo sabes: las personas llamamos “raro” a todo lo que no está en nuestro mapa de la realidad… y los “raros” normalmente no lo hacemos, porque la normalidad de los otros sí que está incluída en nuestro mapa de la realidad.

Dicho esto ahora sí vamos a hablar sobre el Método Reiki.

El Método Reiki es un método de gestión de la energía, y de crecimiento personal y espiritual muy completo. Tiene implícitos muchos conceptos que los occidentales luego hemos considerado novedosos como el incosciente (individual y/o colectivo), una perspectiva vibracional de la realidad, o sencillamente una mentalidad fenomenológica.

Sin embargo en occidente la mayoría de las personas no asocian al Método Reiki en absoluto con un método: hablan de imposición de manos, para hacerlo encajar con su propio mapa de influencia judeocristiana de la realidad. Las personas dicen que una vez iniciada vas a canalizar “Reiki” por las manos (cosa incorrecta porque “Reiki” es el nombre de un método), y se oye con frecuencia asociar el Método Reiki con ángeles, guías, magia, tarot, adivinación… y cierto grado de superioridad espiritual de los iniciados.

También oyes a veces decir a la gente que otro “tiene Reiki” (porque ha hecho un curso) o que “ha terminado todo Reiki”… como si fuera realmente posible. Todo esto es exactamente lo que hacemos con nuestra carrera universitaria o profesional: pensamos que nos otorga una categoría superior en algún sentido. Lo cual muestra nuestra profunda carencia de significado, y nuestro enorme desorden.

Los orientales en cambio, y específicamente los japoneses… (y específicamente los japoneses del Japón de Usui) tenían una visión, un mapa de la realidad, muy diferente. Aún hoy, quedan rastros de esta miradaen esta cultura nada individualista, profundamente conectada (incluso los no iniciados) y  fuertemente respetuosa y consciente de los demás, de los vínculos familiares,  y de sus tradiciones.

Un japonés normalmente se sentirá dulcemente conmovido por  nuestra tendencia al individualismo y a la omnipotencia: ellos son hondamente colectivistas y esto los hace muy considerados, en general, con su prójimo.

Desde este mapa de la realidad, que incluye todo y a todos en la medida de lo posible, es mucho más fácil comprender por qué el Método Reiki fue creado por un japonés, y no por un madrileño, por ejemplo. Sus prioridades son diferentes, y esto no es malo ni es bueno: sólo es lo que es. Ahora: si miramos los resultados, como yo lo veo en mi consulta día a día, quizás ellos se equivocan algo menos que nosotros.

El otro día Virginia Canal, que tuvo la oportunidad de viajar a Japón antes de conocernos nosotras ni conocer el Método Reiki, me decía que allí no hay psicólogos. ¿te lo puedes imaginar?  Supongo que será posible estudiar psicología en Japón, no lo sé. Pero no parece que tenga mucha salida. ¿No es sorprendente? Está claro que algo hacen mejor que nosotros… porque la gente se encuentra mayormente bien. Con sus idas y venidas, supongo… pero bien.

Cuando el Método Reiki se puso de moda lo primero que se le retiró fue el nombre de “método”. Se lesimplificó, esoterizó, y trivializó para que los occidentales no se asustaran y pagaran con alegría los cursos. Un método es algo largo de aprender, requiere trabajo, humildad y paciencia. Y los occidentales queremos una sanación rápida y sin muchos compromisos. Y sobre todo que no duela.

Esto me recuerda a aquella viñeta sobre la iluminación que publicamos varias veces en la web deFacebook… ¿la recuerdas? Es esta mira:



Bien, bromas aparte:  luego de muchos años de experiencia, para mi queda claro que intentar comprender el Método Reiki desde una mentalidad acelerada, esquemática y desconectada del aspecto espiritual de la realidad es una fantasía con la cometa. Necesitamos empezar por  ser capaces de ver el mapa de la realidad de Usui, su creador.

Para reducir esta brecha y poder sacar el máximo provecho del Método Reiki, necesitas ampliar tu modelo de la realidad:  reparar las distorsiones, reducir la generalizaciones y trazar los caminos que han sido eliminados.

Esto solamente se logra a través de comprensiones que retiren el velo sobre la parte de la realidad que no ves siguiendo tu propio mapa actual.

Y esto requiere una guía comprometida, un maestro que haya hecho este trabajo previamente, y un profundo compromiso personal con tu crecimiento y con tu sanación interior.

Y entonces a partir de este proceso, podrás acercarte al Método Reiki y recibir sus grandes beneficios en su totalidad.

Antes, sólo recibirás un juego llamado Reiki, que te permitirá presumir de algo que no comprendes, con actitud infantil, y con un mapa distorsionado y con borrones, que no te conducirá verdaderamente hacia ningún tesoro.


Espero que sirva.

Por tu Pleno Bienestar…

Que tengas un feliz presente.


*Fuente: Pilar Rodriguez-Castillo by Sendero Reiki

“Let food be your medicine” (Hippocrates) – Thyme


Thyme has a powerful ability to kill off bacteria and viruses and should be taken at first signs of a cold or illness. It is a rich source of several essential vitamins such as vitamins A, E, C, K, B-complex and folic acid and it is also one of the best sources of calcium, iron, manganese, selenium, and potassium. Thyme contains antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, carminative, diaphoretic, and expectorant properties which supports healing throughout the entire body.

Thyme is vital to help stimulate memory, prevent nightmares and melancholy, ease headache and muscle tension, soothe coughs, relieve fevers, and fight colds and infections. It also contains a compound called carvacrol which is an excellent natural tranquilizer and has a tonic effect on the entire nervous system. Thyme is a good source of pyridoxine which is known to play an important role in manufacturing GABA levels in the brain, aid in regulating sleep patterns, and benefit neurotransmitter function in the brain. GABA is also one of the best natural defenses against stress damage.

Thyme is a great purifying herb for the digestive tract and has been found to destroy certain intestinal hookworms and roundworms and aid in the digestion of rich or fatty foods. Thyme has some of the highest antioxidant levels among herbs. It is packed with bioflavonoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and naringenin which have all been shown to have powerful effects on eliminating free-radicals and other disease producing substances from the body.

Thyme oil has been used as a local antiseptic and antimicrobial since ancient times and is highly beneficial in supporting the immune system and for easing fatigue and weakness after illness. Thyme oil can also help to stop hair loss by improving blood flow to the scalp and feeding the roots of the hair. Consider using more fresh thyme in your food by adding it to soups, salads, guacamole, vegetables, potatoes, rice, etc… Fresh thyme also makes a powerful and very healing tea. Steep a handful of fresh sprigs in hot water for at least 10 minutes or it can be soaked overnight in a pitcher of water and sipped throughout the day. Add honey or lemon, if desired.


*Source: Anthony William

«Let your food be your medicine» (Hippocrates) – Cranberries


Cranberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, A, and beta carotene. They are packed with antioxidants and rate very high on the ORAC scale making it an ideal anti-aging and memory enhancing food. Cranberries have amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and are a vital food and supplement for anyone struggling with any chronic illness or disease. They are known to significantly boost the immune system and have a natural antibiotic effect in the body.

Cranberries contain one of nature’s most potent vasodilators which opens up congested bronchial tubes and pathways making it essential for healing any respiratory condition. Cranberries are very high in tannic acids which gives them there powerful ability to protect and heal urinary tract, bladder, and kidney infections. These tannic acids are made up of compounds called proanthocyanidins which essentially coats the infection forming bacteria, such as E.coli and H.Pylori, with a slick cover and prevents them from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and digestive tract.

Since the bacteria are unable to attach themselves to anything they are flushed out of the system and unable to cause any infection or harm. This anti-adhesion ability also help to prevent stomach ulcers, gum disease, and cavities. This ability also helps to prevent cardiovascular disease by stopping cholesterol plaque formation in the heart and blood vessels and by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cranberry juice has also been shown to increase the desirable “friendly” bacteria in the digestive tract which benefits digestive disorders such as IBS, colitis, gastritis, indigestion, gas, bloating, and constipation. Cranberry juice has also been known to help treat diaper rash by reducing pH levels in the diaper and thereby reducing irritation. Native Americans commonly ate their cranberries simmered in honey or maple syrup or sun-dried and mixed with nuts to last them through the winter months.

Fresh cranberries can be added to salads, smoothies, fresh juices, and fruit and nut salads or cooked down into the classic cranberry sauce. Sun-dried cranberries are an excellent addition to trail mixes, hot or cold breakfast cereals, grain & vegetables dishes, and wholesome baked goods. Sun-dried cranberries can also be made into a medicinal tea by soaking in water overnight. Pure cranberry juice can be taken straight or mixed with spring water, coconut water, or apple or grape juice to receive its healing benefits. Cranberry extracts can also be found in capsule and tincture form online and in your local health food store for year-round use.


*Source: Anthony William



Pues como dice el refrán: «lo prometido es deuda» ( ya les había prometido este post) y «vale más prevernir que curar«, asi que previniedo los efectos del fin de semana, hoy voy a entrar un poco más en detalle sobre la importancia de del desintoxicar nuestro cuerpo.


Razones por las cuales necesitamos  limpiar

  • Por consumir alimentos cargados de tóxicos, químicos, azúcares, harinas refinadas, alimentos de origen animal que están cargados de toxinas.
  • Por  llevar una vida sedentaria
  • Por la elevada contaminación ambiental.
  • Debido al estrés, preocupaciones y estados emocionales que afectan a nuestro cuerpo físico

Todo esto hace que acumulemos toxinas en nuestro cuerpo, debilitándolo y dañando nuestros órganos . Es por eso que aparecen enfermedades, porque estamos expulsando a través de ellas lo que a nuestro cuerpo le sobra. Cansancio, fatiga, problemas de piel, dolores de estómago… Debemos aprender a interpretar las señales de alerta que nos da nuestro cuerpo, porque a largo plazo pueden derivar en enfermedades  cardiovasculares, diabetes o incluso cáncer.

Una dieta crudivegana,  no sólo nos está depurando , sino que al estar libre de toxinas permite que nuestro cuerpo se regenere y regule más rápidamente , recuperando la salud y el equilibrio y previniendo enfermedades.

Hacer un par de días de detox, funciona, pero si luego volvemos a ingerir tóxicos, volvemos a la misma situación. Se trata no sólo de alimentarnos sino de  tomar conciencia y aprender a llevar un modo  de vida  saludable cada día.

¿Cómo limpiar nuestro organismo?

  • Elimina los productos de origen animal: están cargados de toxinas, aditivos, hormonas, antibióticos, excesivas proteínas, grasa y colesterol. Si cambiamos el pescado, la carne, leche, huevo, pollo y demás productos por alimentos de origen vegetal bajos en grasa  empezamos a depurarnos, a eliminar grasa y recuperar nuestra salud.
  • Fuera sustancias estimulantes, químicos y alimentos  tratados (café, té negro, refrescos cola, bebidas energizantes, etc) .
  • Tabaco
  • Alcohol
  • Bebidas gaseosas
  • Comida envasada cargada con aditivos, conservantes, sabores artificiales, colorantes, hormonas…
  • Soja, maíz y demás productos transgénicos.
  • Sal y azúcar refinada.
  • Harinas refinadas , incluye pasta, pan, galletas que no sean con cereales 100% integrales.
  • Gluten.
  • Chocolate.
  • Aceites  refinados
  • Basa tu alimentación, en fruta y verdura cruda. Importantísimo, alta en carbohidratos y baja en grasa y proteínas.  No hace falta que llegues al 100% crudo, puedes empezar por el 50% e ir subiendo hasta el 70%.  Como platos cocinados, las  legumbres y cereles integrales son la ópcion más saludable. Los  más recomendable  son el mijo, quinoa, trigo sarraceno y amaranto. Los vegetales crudos y ecológicos mantienen intactas sus propiedades, vitaminas, minerales, fibra, enzimas, antioxidantes y fitonutrientes. Nos  dan toda la energía que necesitamos y mantiene nuestro cuerpo limpio y saludable, tanto a nivel celular como nuestra sangre. Por lo tanto  previene enfermedades. Además recuperas tu peso ideal , ya que eliminas la grasa acumulada. Al desintoxicar tu cuerpo y estar saludable, ganas claridad mental y bienestar emocional. Activas tu consciencia , conectas con tu interior  y con el mundo. Y contribuyes a reducir el impacto medioambiental consumiendo alimentos orgánicos.
  • Haz ejercicio. Una dieta saludable acompañada de ejercicio es la combinación perfecta para elimienar toxinas, perder peso, fortalecer músculos, órganos,  sistema circulatorio y respiratorio  y digestivo. Previene el estrés y  nos hace estar más  relajados y felices.
  • Bebe mucha agua. 2 o 3 litros diarios.  Cuando tienes una alimentación 100% raw o crudivegana, bebes menos agua porque ya estás ingiriendo la naturalmente presente en la fruta y verdura
  • Descansa y duerme suficientes horas. Para permitir a tu cuerpo el proceso de restauración y que pueda recuperar energía, fuerza y  eliminar toxinas.
  • Y muy importante,  practica actividades que te hagan liberar tensiones y relajarte, conectar contigo y con los demás, como escuchar música, quedar con tus amigos, bailar, abrazar, respirar aire puro, cantar, gritar, sonreir, dar sin esperar nada a cambio, conocer gente diferente, probar cosas nuevas. El mejor sistema inmunológico consiste en ser feliz y controlar nuestra mente, sin lugar a dudas.


Cuando somentes a tu cuerpo a un proceso de limpieza, a veces puedes surgir efectos secundarios, como malestar general, vómitos, diarreaas, algún dolor, granos en la cara… Es normal, tu cuerpo tiene que echar todas las toxinas. La enfermedad y los dolores son procesos de restauración y destoxicación de nuestro organismos. Lo mejor es dar las gracias y aceptar que nos estamos liberando de algo que nos sobra.

Espero que sean suficientes razones, como para que poco a poco puedan ir cambiando los hábitos. Sé que a priori puede parecer un cambio radical, y muy dificil, pero cuando observen que a medida que se eliminan los tóxicos y alimentos perjudiciales de sus dietas, se empezarán a sentir mejor, realmente compensa el esfuerzo por el resultado obtenido. Hay un mundo de posibilidades, colores, sabores, sensaciones y texturas en la alimentación saludable y conciente, es sólo animarse a descubrirlos!

Toxinas & Enfermedad. Cómo Empezar Una Depuración Corporal.


Dedicado gratamente a mis lectores y pacientes.

Desde hace un tiempo, en consulta, llego a la misma conclusión con mis pacientes una y otra vez: Intoxicación. Si, señoras y señores, le presento aqui a la «reina de las enfermedades». Si piensan que estoy exagerando, no, no lo estoy, les sorprendería el grado de toxicidad al que  sometemos a nuestro cuerpo a diario y gracias a ella y a la fata de «limpieza» , termina siendo la principal causa de la mayoría de las enfermedades, y ya deja de ser casualidad, que cuando los pacientes cambian sus hábitos nutricionales (alimentación y nutrición no son lo mismo) no hay quien no revierta su cuadro o como mínimo no mejore notablemente.

Fibromialgia, problemas de sobrepeso, artritis, reuma, artrosis, problema en los meñiscos, ligamentos, contracturas crónicas, migranias, alergias, diabetes, infertilidad, estreñimiento, cancer, colon irritable, psoriasis, sirrosis, problemas de los riñones, pancreas, vesicula, bazo, hígado, pesadez estomacal, gastritis, pirosis, ulcera … la lista sigue y sigue. No soy la única profesional que observa estos resultados, por el contrario, cada vez son más (incluso  dentro del mundo de la medicina alópata más recalcitrante) ya se está tratando.  Como esto está empezando a hacer un poco de ruido, vamos a ver de qué se trata, trataré de exponer aqui, de manera práctica y sintética, lo que todos podemos hacer por mejorar nuestra salud.

Para desintoxicar nuestro organismo …

Aqui van algunos simples nuevos hábitos saludables, para que los puedan incorporar a la vida diaria:

  • No intoxicar:  eliminar todos los alimentos que producen toxinas, son acidificantes, y por tanto intoxican nuestro organismo. Se que puede sonar obvio, pero todas las salsas preparadas (industriales) golosinas, snacks, alimentos con conservantes, colorantes y saborizantes sintéticos también entran en esta categoría.
  • Limpiar: utilizando todo lo que está en la naturaleza que pudiera realizar una actividad “ barredora” que limpian nuestros órganos emuntorios
  • Incorporar aquellos alimento que nuestro organismo reconoce como su alimentación fisiológica (teniendo en cuenta los principios del Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg), después de haber pasado por una readaptación a esta nueva alimentación del organismo con una dieta de transición evitando así una crisis de desintoxicación.

Productos tóxicos

Y esta es la lista de los productos  tóxicos que entrego a cada persona que me pregunta qué comer a partir de ahora.

*Esta es una lista genérica, y por ello no comprende cada enfermedad o sintomatólogia en particular, sin embargo, esto último, los pacientes lo obtienen siempre en consulta.

  • ALIMENTOS QUE ACIDIFICAN: Todos los refinados, aceites que no sean de primera prensada en frío y ecológicos, vinagres (en su mayoría, sobre todo los industriales) sal refinada, azúcar blanca refinada, (la moreno tampoco, es teñida) productos enlatados ni con conservantes (E’s) Carne (toda la proteína animal) Leche y sus derivados (leche, queso yogourt) Todas las grasas trans (embutidos) Ni las margarinas vegetales, son peores que la mantequilla.
  • ALIMENTOS QUE NOS ENFERMAN: El glúten (seitán, trigo) , la soja, cereales industriales. Los alimentos con pesticidas.

Hábitos tóxicos

Lo que no deberíamos de hacer por tener consecuencias tóxicas:

  • Envolver con papel aluminio
  • Meter en la nevera botellas de plástico, el plástico no puede estar ni frío ni caliente sino contamina el alimento con los bisfenoles, tóxicos para nosotros. Hay botellas sin BPA ni bifenoles
  • No usar el microondas.

Alimentos alcalinos

Tienen que ser la base de nuestra alimentación:

  • Todas las frutas y verduras.
  • Semillas (chía lino,sésamo)
  • Frutos secos almendras, avellanas, nueces (no más de un puñado con el puño cerrado y un solo fruto, no mezclarlos. Dejarlos la noche anterior a su consumición en agua para que se activen ya que aumenten sus nutrientes.
  • Germinados
  • Algas

 En el próximo post, les deajaré algunos tips de cómo y qué se puede hacer para desintoxicar nuestro cuerpo.

Un Batido Para Cada Día del Mes…


Llega la primavera, el verano o incluso por qué no, en pleno invierno … las propiedades y beneficios que nos aportan las frutas y verduras frescas por la mañana sobre todo, constituye uno de los primeros hábitos saludables en nuestra «educación alimenticia».  Es que después de estar 8 horas sin comer, por la mañana, lo que estamos haciendo es rompiendo un ayuno, de ahí proviene la palabra desayunar, o sea «salir del ayuno». Por eso, es importante, contrario a lo que se suele creer, no atiborrarnos de comida, ni ingerir alimentos pesados, irritantes o ácidos para el cuerpo cuando nos levantamos, como por ejemplo el café, té negro, leche, queso, huevos, carne, etc. Estos son alimentos ácidos, irritantes y pesados para un organismo en ayunas, además, suelen  bajarnos los índices de vitaminas que tenemos y desmineralizarnos, contrario a la creencia popular, que indica que es la comida más importante del día, siendo la comida principal el almuerzo.

De todas maneras, los batidos siempre son bienvenidos para el cuerpo, son frescos, ligeros y de rápida absorción, energizántes oxigenantes y revitalizantes y como plus, llenos de vitaminas y minerales.

Aqui les dejo una lista con 31 recetas, un batido para cada día del mes. Ahora a practicarlas! Que las disfruten!

*Nota: Muchos están hechos con coco, pero puede sustituirse el coco por cualquier leche vegetal (orgánica) o agua, y añadir (opcional) coco rayado o leche de coco envasada (que aunque no es lo mismo pero igual sirve…)

Ahora vosotros a practicarlas. Habéis visto que de posibilidades eh? ¡Que las disfrutéis!

  • Batido verde con espinacas

Batir el agua de 1 coco fresco, su pulpa, un puñado de espinacas y el zumo de 1 limón

  • Batido verde de mango y mesquite

Batir la pulpa y agua de 1 coco fresco, un trozo de mango, una cucharadita de mesquite y espinacas

  • Batido de frambuesas y menta

Batir el agua de 1 coco, la pulpa, 300 g de frambuesas y hojas de menta. También se puede hacer con fresas o mezclando ambas frutas

  • Batido de fresas y rosa mosqueta

Batir el agua de 1 coco y su pulpa , 300 g de fresas, 1 cucharada de Rosa Mosqueta, vainilla

  •  Batido verde de fresa con semillas de cáñamo

Batir el agua y pulpa de coco, puñadito de fresas, puñadito de espinacas y una cucharada semillas de cáñamo.

  •  Batido verde de mango con semillas

Batir hojas de apio, un mango maduro, una cucharadita de canela, 1 cucharada de chía, otra de lino, un poquito de maca, 3 hojitas secas de estevia, el agua de 1 coco.

  •  Batido de piña colada

Batimos el agua de coco, su pulpa, 350 gr de piña, un dado de jengibre y estevia

  • Batido de melocotón con mesquite

La pulpa de 1 coco, el agua del coco, 3 melocotones, 1 cucharada de mesquite y un poquito de azúcar de coco

  •  Batido de naranja y piña

Batir el zumo de 4 naranjas, media piña, agua de un coco.

  •  Granizado de piña con cilantro

Batir agua coco, media piña, un puñado de cilantro y hielo.

  •  Batido de plátano con arándanos

Agua y pulpa de coco joven, arándanos, plátano, dátiles y jengibre, a la batidora y listo.

  •  Batido energético

Batir la carne y agua del coco, 3 plátanos, 1 cucharada de cacao, 3 dátiles y 1 cucharadita de maca

  • Batido verde de fresas con hojas de remolacha

Batir el agua y la pulpa del coco fresco, 300 g de fresas y una taza de hojas de remolacha

  • Batido de fresa y manzana

Agua de un coco añadimos 4 fresones, media manzana y 1 cucharada de jugo de lima , batimos todo y espolvoreamos con canela

  • Batido de piña y menta

Batir el agua de coco, 300 g de piña y menta

  • Batido verde de piña

Un coco fresco entero con su agua y su pulpa, media piña, media cucharada pequeña de espirulina y chlorella en polvo, un chorrito pequeño de sirope de agave, batir muy bien y tomar fresquito.

  • Batido verde de pera y plátano

Agua y pulpa de coco, 2 plátanos, 4 datiles, hoja verde, 1 pera y maca

  • Batido verde de mago y albahaca

Batir agua de coco, 1 mango, un poco de zumo de limón o lima y hojas de albahaca.

  • Batido cremoso de aguacate y cardamomo

Un coco fresco, el agua y la pulpa, un aguacate, tres rajas de piña, una cucharada de azúcar de coco y una semilla de cardamomo

  • Batido Coco Especiado

Batir agua de coco, pulpa de coco, azúcar de coco, cardamomo, canela, anís y jengibre.

  • Batido de plátano sabor capuchino

Batir 1 coco fresco (agua y pulpa), 2 plátanos, 1 cucharada de malta, otra de cacao y coco rallado

  • SuperBatido verde de mango

Batir agua de coco , 2 mangos, col kale , chia molida , mezquite y proteína de cáñamo

  • Batido de moras y hierbabuena

Un buen puñado de moras, la pulpa de medio coco y su aguita. Lo batimos bien y lo aromatizamos con unas hojas de hierbabuena fresca.

  • Licuado verde

Licuar 1 pepino, hojas verdes varias, 3 ramas de apio, 1 limón, 1 manzana, jengibre y añadir el agua de un coco fresco

  • Agua de coco detox

Agua de coco, zumo medio limon y jengibre.

  • Té de coco

Un te verde fresquito, batimos la pulpa y el agua de coco y mezclamos bien. Si quereis que sea más dulce añadir un poco de sirope de agave

  • Leche de coco

Batir el coco con agua de coco, luego filtrar con una bolsa de hacer leche vegetal. La pulpa se puede utilizar como mascarilla , o mezclar en una ensalada

  • Leche de coco al cacao

Batir el agua con la pulpa y añadir un poco de sirope de agave o dátiles, cacao y canela.

  • Leche de coco y almendras

Batir agua de coco, pulpa de coco, puñadito almendras, vainilla y azúcar de coco

  • Leche de coco y curcuma.

Hacer leche de coco y añadir especias como la cúrcuma. También se puede utilizar el clavo, cardamomo, canela, jengibre, vainillas… Y endulzar con estevia, azúcar de coco o dátiles

  • Capuchino de coco

Batir un coco fresco (agua y pulpa) una cucharada de achicoria una cda de azucar de coco,una cucharadita de cacao y canela



The World’s Most Credible Medical Journal Outlines Bad News For Monsanto


Given the restrictions and the level of control placed upon the disclosure of information when it comes to “credible” medical studies, it seems surprising that glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide on the planet, has been officially deemed a dangerous health hazard to human beings by the mainstream health community.

“Glyphosate currently has the highest global production volume of all herbicides. The largest use worldwide is in agriculture. The agricultural use of glyphosate has increased sharply since the development of crops that have been genetically modified to make them resistant to glyphosate. Glyphosate is also used in forestry, urban, and home applications. Glyphosate has been detected in the air during spraying, in water, and in food. The general population is exposed primarily through residence near sprayed areas, home use, and diet. and the level that has been observed is generally low.”  (source)

A recently published study in what is considered to be one of the most (if not the most) credible medical journals of today, The Lancet Oncology, determined that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s RoundUp pesticide, is “probably carcinogenic to humans.” The study was published earlier this month, and was conducted by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. It analyzed data from studies that have been conducted on the chemical for the past couple of decades. (source)

“There is convincing evidence that glyphosate also can cause cancer in laboratory animals. On the basis of tumours in mice, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) originally classified glyphosate as possibly carcinogenic to humans. A US EPA report and several more recent positive results conclude that there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Glyphosate also caused DNA and chromosomal damage in human cells, although it gave negative results in tests using bacteria. One study in community residents reported increases in blood markers of chromosomal damage (micronuclei) after glyphosate formulations were sprayed nearby.” (source)

It’s the beginning of 2015, and after decades of research and warnings from hundreds of scientists all around the globe, why has it taken so long to officially acknowledge (in North America) that glyphosate is harmful? Billions of pounds of this stuff is sprayed every single year, and as mentioned above, it is commonly detected in air samples, water samples, in our food, and even in our urine. So again, why the delay?

Many professionals today have expressed their concern regarding the delay and manipulation of medical research. Despite the fact that these types of facts have been published for a number of years, Monsanto still maintains that they are safe, and a major health organization like the WHO, you would think, would have acknowledged the dangers associated with these herbicides many years ago.

As Dr. Marcia Angell (physician, author, former editor in chief of the NEJM) puts it, “It’s just not possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.” Others point to the “revolving door” between Monsanto, the EPA, and the FDA, and the fact that corporations (like Monsanto) have their hand in dictating governmental policy. Regardless, the information is out there and it’s quite clear that glyphosate is harmful. (source)

What’s worse, the genetically modified crops have become even more resistant to their killers, resulting in increased use of herbicides each year and even providing Monsanto the justification it needs to produce newer and more deadly chemical mixes to combat the problem.

Monsanto’s Response

Monsanto is not at all happy about the study and they are requesting a retraction. In a press release, Chief Technology Officer Dr. Robb Fraley said that Monsanto is “outraged” and that “this conclusion is inconsistent with the decades of ongoing safety reviews by the leading regulatory authorities around the world that have concluded that all labeled uses of glyphosate are safe for human health.” (source)

More Research

The list of studies outlining the dangers associated with this herbicide is enormous, and explains exactly why multiple countries around the globe forbid its use. For example, Sri Lanka decided to completely ban glyphosate from their country out of concern that the chemical may be linked to a fatal kidney disease that could kill agricultural workers.

A new study that was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that Roundup, or glyphosate, becomes highly toxic to the kidney once mixed with “hard” water or metals like cadmium and arsenic. These metals often exist naturally in the soil or are added via the fertilizer.(source)(source)

“An investigation carried out by medical specialists and scientists has revealed that kidney disease was mainly caused by glyphosate. President Mahinda Rajapaksa has ordered the immediate removal of glyphosate from the local market soon after he was told of the contents of the report.” (source)

You can read more about that here.

Here is a report by multiple researchers, scientists, and professors regarding glyphosate and birth defects. Here is the conclusion they came to:

“Our examination of the evidence leads us to the conclusion that the current approval of glyphosate and Roundup is deeply flawed and unreliable. In this report, we examine the industry studies and regulatory documents that led to the approval of glyphosate. We show that industry and regulators knew as long ago as the 1980′s and 1990′s that glyphosate causes malformation, but that information was not made public. We demonstrate how EU regulators reasoned their way from clear evidence of glyphosate’s teratogenicity in industry’s own studies to a conclusion that minimized these findings in the EU Commission’s final review report.”

It’s also important to note that much research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as other important independent research, has linked (using the Bradford Hill Criteria, fairly strong in my opinion) glyphosate to autism, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and more. (source)(source) (Please do your research, there are many sources for this claim, I’ve provided a few here and within the articles that are linked within this article)

A report coming out of Argentina explains how deaths from cancerous tumors have as much as doubled in areas where genetically modified (GM) crops are grown and agro-chemicals are used. You can read more about that and access the report here.

“There is evidence of high levels of genetic damage in people of Marcos Juarez, which may result from unintentional exposure to pesticides. ” – Fernando Manas, PhD National University of Rio Cuarto (source)

A study was published in November 2012 in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology, titled Long Term Toxicity of Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant genetically modified maize, by Gilles-Eric Seralini and his team of researchers at France’s Caen University. It was a very significant study that made a lot of noise worldwide, the first of its kind under controlled conditions that examined the possible effects of a GMO maize diet treated with Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide. After going through such a rigorous review process and remaining published for a long time, the study was retracted. Hundreds of scientists around the world condemned the retraction, and the study was then republished, updated, and all criticisms were answered.

The chronic toxicity study examined the health impacts on rats of eating  commercialized genetically modified (GM) maize, alongside Monsanto’s NK603 glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup.

The study found severe liver and kidney damage, as well as hormonal disturbances, in rats fed with GM maize in conjunction with low levels of Roundup – levels that were below those permitted in most drinking water across Europe. Results also indicated high rates of large tumors and mortality in most treatment groups.

You can read more about this story, and access the studies here.  And as you can see from the quote taken from the WHO/The Lancet, multiple studies in animal models have shown these dangers, as well as multiple studies using human cells. There is obviously cause for concern here.

To access and read about more studies linking agricultural pesticides (and more) to autism, click here.

Children today are sicker than they were a generation ago. From childhood cancers to autism, birth defects and asthma, a wide range of childhood diseases and disorders are on the rise. Our assessment of the latest science leaves little room for doubt; pesticides are one key driver of this sobering trend.” October 2012 report by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) (source)(source)

There is a lot of information to support these claims, so hopefully this gets you off to a good start if you are interested in doing more research.


*All other sources are linked within the article.

What You See In The Toilet Can Tell You A lot About Your Health – The Bristol Stool Chart

Yes, I know … this will sound pretty unpopular, but it can serve as a guide.


It’s not commonly known that, when it comes to assessing our health, looking to the toilet is often a good place to start –  turning around to look and smell your own feces after spending some time on the toilet will give you a good indication of the state of your health.

The average person generates about five tonnes of stool in his or her lifetime, and again, by looking at the shape, size, colour, and more, a person might be able to learn a lot about their overall health and how their  gastrointestinal tract is functioning. Looking at your feces can also provide insights into what diseases you may be carrying.

The Bristol Stool Chart

The Bristol Stool chart, classified as a “medical aid,” groups the characteristics of human feces into seven different categories. It was created by Lewis and Heaton at the University of Bristol and was originally published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology in 1997. It’s also commonly referred to as the “Meyers Scale.” (source)

This chart is used today as an effective tool to evaluate treatments for various diseases within the bowel, and it’s also considered a useful “clinical communication aid.” (source) (source)

Not to say that the chart does not come without criticism – the validity of it has been questioned before – but despite this fact it is still widely used and is believed to be an effective tool by many health professionals.

Here is the chart:


Healthy Stool

  • Medium to light brown
  • Smooth and soft, formed into one long shape, not separated into little pieces
  • About one to two inches in diameter and up to 18 inches long
  • S-shaped, which comes from the shape of your lower intestine
  • Quiet and gentle dive into the water, it should fall into the bowl with the slightest little “whoosh” sound, not a loud splash
  • Natural smell, not repulsive
  • Uniform texture
  • Sinks slowly

Unhealthy Stool

  • Stool that is hard to pass, painful, or requires straining
  • Hard lumps and pieces, or mushy and watery, or even pasty and difficult to clean off
  • Narrow, pencil-like, or ribbon-like stools: these can indicate a bowel obstruction or tumor – or worst case, colon cancer: narrow stools on an infrequency basis are not so concerning, but if they persist, this definitely warrant a call to your physician
  • Black, tarry stools or bright red stools may indicate bleeding in the GI tract; black stools can also come from certain medications, supplements, or consuming black licorice: if you have black, tarry stools, it’s best to be evaluated by your healthcare provider
  • White, pale, or gray stools may indicate a lack of bile, which may suggest a serious problem (hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatic disorders, or possibly a blocked bile duct), so this warrants a call to your physician; antacids may also produce white stool
  • Yellow stools may indicate giardianfection, a gallbladder problem, or a condition known as  Gilbert’s syndrome – if you see this, call your doctor
  • Increased mucus in stool: this can be associated with an inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis, or even colon cancer, especially if accompanied by blood or abdominal pain

Foul Smelling Stools

No stool is going to smell pleasant, but generally, healthy stools have a common (not too foul) odor that is familiar. Stools that have unusually bad smells may be due to various medical conditions such as (source):

  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Intestinal infection
  • Malabsorption
  • Short bowel syndrome

For common causes of increased/decreased bowel frequency or diarrhea, you can click here.

How To Improve Your Bowel Movements And The Importance of Diet

Ever since the medical industry switched over to chemical-based medicine, all we see being used are pills and medicines to combat various diseases, with very little emphasis placed upon the importance of diet.

That being said, the modern day food industry itself is being questioned daily, with most of North American food being banned in other countries due to the high amount of harmful pesticides sprayed on them, combined with the fact that they are genetically modified.  Science is now showing us that pesticide accumulation in the body is significantly (I emphasize “significantly”) higher when eating conventional foods compared to organic. You can read more about that here.

“Most gastrointestinal problems can be prevented or resolved by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle. If you aren’t achieving poo perfection, or if you don’t feel right, then look at the following factors and consider making a few changes. These strategies will help reverse constipation or diarrhea, in addition to helping prevent recurrences.” – Dr. Joespeh Mercola

Dr. Mercola outlines some tips for improving your bowel movements:

  • Remove all sources of gluten from your diet (the most common sources are wheat, barley, rye, spelt and other grains)
    Eat a diet that includes whole foods, rich in fresh, organic vegetables and fruits that provide good nutrients and fiber; most of your fiber should come from vegetables, not from grains
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, excess sugar (especially fructose), chemical additives, MSG, excessive amounts of caffeine, and processed foods, as they are all detrimental to your gastrointestinal (and immune) function
    Boost your intestinal flora by adding naturally fermented foods into your diet, such as sauerkraut, pickles, and kefir (if you tolerate dairy); add a probiotic supplement if you suspect you’re not getting enough beneficial bacteria from your diet alone
  • Try increasing your fiber intake; good options include psyllium and freshly ground organic flax seed (shoot for 35 grams of fiber per day)
  • Make sure you stay well hydrated with fresh, pure water
  • Get plenty of exercise daily
  • Avoid pharmaceutical drugs, such as pain killers like codeine or hydrocodone, which will slow your bowel function; antidepressants and antibiotics can cause a variety of GI disruptions as well
  • Address emotional challenges with tools like EFT
  • Consider squatting instead of sitting to move your bowels; squatting straightens your rectum, relaxes your puborectalis muscle and encourages the complete emptying of your bowel without straining. It has also been scientifically shown to relieve constipation and hemorrhoids.

Sources used:


Lyme Disease: The CDC’s Greatest Coverup & What They Don’t Want You To Know


Lyme disease, do you have it? If you did, you probably wouldn’t know – unless you’re one of the chronic sufferers that have had to visit over 30 doctors to get a proper diagnosis. Lyme disease tests are highly inaccurate, often inconclusive or indicating false negatives.

Why? Because this clever bacteria has found a way to dumb down the immune system and white blood cells so that it’s not detectable until treatment is initiated. To diagnose Lyme properly you must see a “Lyme Literate MD (LLMD),” however, more and more doctors are turning their backs on patients due to sheer fear of losing their practices! Insurance companies and the CDC will do whatever it takes to stop Chronic Lyme Disease from being diagnosed, treated, or widely recognized as an increasingly common issue.

Lyme is considered by the medical field to “only” transmit by way of a tick infected with bacteria. However, the CDC itself admits it is under-reported, and believes there are between 300,000 to half a million new cases each year.That makes Lyme disease almost twice as common as breast cancer and six times more common thanHIV/AIDS. Where are all of these new cases coming from? (It’s interesting to note that since Avril Lavigne recently went public with her Chronic Lyme Disease battle, mainstream news outlets like The Daily Mail have been mentioning Lyme can be transmitted by mosquitoes, too!)


When Lyme isn’t detected in the early stages, it becomes Chronic Lyme, a condition which the CDC and IDSA bothdeny even exists. They will continue to deny it, because if there’s one thing insurance companies hate, it’s chronic disorders they have to spend time and money treating. Therefore, a panel with ties to insurance companies gathered to write up official Lyme guidelines that assure patients are only allowed a few weeks of antibiotic treatment and are not to be diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease (even if clear symptoms persist and invade the nervous system). Over half of the panelists who wrote the IDSA Lyme guidelines announcing that Chronic Lyme is not real — including the panel chairman — have obvious conflicts of interest including financial interests in drug companies, diagnostic tests, and patents, as well as consulting agreements with insurance companies. Researchers and scientists with evidence in support of Chronic Lyme were intentionally excluded from the panel. Because of these unjust Lyme guidelines, insurance companies have the “right” to deny coverage for the treatment of long-term Lyme disease. Doctors have even lost their practices for successfully diagnosing and treating Chronic Lyme, as shown in the film Under Our Skin. In the case of Dr. Joseph Jemsek of North Carolina, he not only lost his license, but also his livelihood. Dr. Jemsek can no longer practice simply because he gave antibiotics to Chronic Lyme sufferers, and was then sued by BCBS for 100 million dollars, following which he had to declare bankruptcy. You can read his closing remarks to the NC Medical Board just before they pulled his licensehere. You can also watch his story in the documentary at the end of this post.

Busted – Big Pharma bucks taint the IDSA

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal investigated the IDSA panel members for possible violation of antitrust laws and conflicts of interest.

Of the 14 panel authors of the first edition guidelines: 6 of them or their universities held patents on Lyme or its co-infections, 4 received funding from Lyme or co-infection test kit manufacturers, 4 were paid by insurance companies to write Lyme policy guidelines or consult in Lyme legal cases, and 9 received money from Lyme disease vaccine manufacturers. Some of the authors were involved in more than one conflict of interest. (Source: ‘Under Our Skin [2008])

Study: Strong Evidence Of Sexual Transmission

The bacteria that causes Lyme disease is Borrelia burgdorferi, a type of corkscrew-shaped bacteria known as a spirochete. The Lyme spirochete is a cousin to Treponema pallidum, the spirochete that causes syphilis.

Dr. Alan MacDonald, MD who appears in the documentary ‘Under Our Skin’ (2008), says in the film that he found found Borrelia (Lyme) DNA in 7 out of 10 postmortem Alzheimers patients’ brains. This makes perfect sense, since syphilis, its cousin, also invades the brain in tertiary or neurosyphilis. Dr. Klinghardt, MD (also quoted from ‘Under Our Skin’) stated that he’s “never had a single patient with Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis who tested negative for Borrelia.”

Dr. Alan MacDonald, MD talks about Lyme.

Why are so many people suffering from Lyme disease and its allegedly associated chronic disorders, such as Alzheimers and ALS? A new study suggests that just like its spirochete cousin that causes syphilis, Lyme disease may be sexually transmitted! The study was presented at the annual Western Regional Meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research, and an abstract of the research was published in the January issue of the Journal of Investigative Medicine.

Medical Daily reports.

The study — presented at the annual Western Regional Meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research — a collaborative effort by an international team of scientists — tested semen samples and vaginal secretions of three groups of patients to investigate whether passing Lyme disease to a partner through unprotected sex is a possibility. The study observed control subjects without evidence of Lyme disease, random subjects who tested positive for Lyme disease, and married heterosexual couples engaging in unprotected sex who tested positive for the disease. The presence of B. burgdorferi and identical strains of the bacterium were of particular interest to the researchers in unprotected sex in spouses.

The control subjects were found to test negative for the bacterium in semen samples or vaginal secretions, as expected by the researchers. The researchers found traces of B. burgdorferi in the vaginal secretions of all women with Lyme disease. In contrast, approximately half of the men with the disease tested positive for the bacterium in semen samples. In addition, one of the heterosexual couples with Lyme disease were found to have identical strains of the bacterium in their genital secretions.

One researcher in the study notes, “There is always some risk of getting Lyme disease from a tick bite in the woods.But there may be a bigger risk of getting Lyme disease in the bedroom.”

“Our findings will change the way Lyme disease is viewed by doctors and patients,” said Marianne Middelveen, lead author of the study. “It explains why the disease is more common than one would think if only ticks were involved in transmission.” But will this actually change the way Lyme disease is viewed? Or will the money funneled in by insurance companies and vaccine manufacturers continue to blind and corrupt the IDSA board members? When is enough, enough?

The study was a joint effort by a team of scientists which included dermatologists, molecular biologists, microbiologists, internists, and family practitioners. The most revealing aspect of the study, in my opinion, is the fact I mentioned earlier: one of the heterosexual couples with Lyme disease showed identical strains of the Lyme spirochete in their genital secretions. “The presence of the Lyme spirochete in genital secretions and identical strains in married couples strongly suggests that sexual transmission of the disease occurs,” said Dr. Mayne.

Gestational Transmission From Mother To Child


A North Carolina State University researcher has discovered that Bartonella (a common Lyme co-infection) can be passed to unborn babies, causing chronic infections and possibly birth defects. Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt and his research group tested blood and tissue samples taken over a period of years from a mother, father and son who had suffered chronic illnesses for over a decade. Autopsy samples from their daughter–the son’s twin who died shortly after birth–contained DNA evidence of B. henselae and B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffi infection, which was also found in the other members of the family. Breitschwerdt’s research appears online in the April 14 Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

You can read a transcript of one of Breitschwerdt’s interviews on Bartonella here.

Multiple Strains Of Lyme?

In 2002, W.T. Harvey, an MD from Houston, began finding large numbers of chronically ill Borrelia burgdorferi PCR- and seropositive patients in the area around his home and practice. Houston, Texas is declared a zoonotically “non-endemic” area, so he set out to understand just how this epidemic was occurring. W.T. Harvey had no competing financial interest (as the CDC and IDSA do) and received no grants when writing his study on Lyme.

“In order to understand this finding prior to sufficient data availability, we chose to examine critically the currently accepted but troublesome ‘Lyme disease’ concepts,” Harvey’s study reads. “Our method was to analyze each foundation ‘Lyme disease’ premise within the context of available medical and veterinary literature, then to reconstruct the disease model consistent with the preponderance of that data. We find the present conceptualization of the illness seriously truncated, with a high likelihood of two distinct but connected forms of human B. burgdorferi infection. The yet-unrecognized form appears to have a broader clinical presentation, wider geographic distribution, and vastly greater prevalence. We conclude that ‘Lyme disease’ currently acknowledges only its zoonosis arm and is a limited conceptualization of a far more pervasive and unrecognized infection state that must be considered a global epidemic.

Could You Have Lyme From Your Pets?

Suzy Cohen of is a registered pharmacist and best-selling author. When she graduated from pharmacy school in 1989, she believed that medication was the answer to helping patients get healthy. When that didn’t always work, she began to do some serious research. In one article addressing the truth about Lyme, she writes:

“Most Lyme sufferers have pet cats and dogs, they are not aware that their pets gave it to them. But it happens like this, your pets go out into the yard to do their duty, and ticks jump on them, especially in May and June, their breeding season but any time of the year is possible. Your pet totes these ticks into your house and then you cuddle with your pet. The ticks get on you, and numb your skin. They are teeny tiny, about the size of a poppy seed and you’ll never know you got bit. They like every part of your body, but especially warmer areas, like armpits for example. You may never know. Sometimes the Lyme can happen from a cat scratch or bite. When I ask pet owners about their pets, they go into a bit of denial, because of the great love they have for pets. But you have to realize pets, for as delightful as they are, are tick taxis. If you have Lyme, and get bit again by your pet, you are potentially introducing new coinfections or re-innoculating yourself with more Lyme organisms. It explains why some people just can’t get well, or get setbacks even under treatment.”

Borrelia spirochetes have been found in the urine of infected dogs, among several other animals. Studies on micehave found that the spirochetes in urine remained viable for 18-24 hours and concluded that “[u]rine may provide a method for contact non-tick transmission of B. burgdorferi in natural rodent populations particularly during periods of nesting and/or breeding.” Evidence for direct contact transmission has been demonstrated in mice.These findings suggest that further research is needed to evaluate alternate methods of Lyme transmission, such as by the urine of infected animals to humans.

Conclusion & How To Learn More:

“Lyme is one of the many microbes that has entered our system. And I feel as a physician that things are getting to a degree that’s serious. We’re watching other mammals die out and just think, ‘well, I’m glad it’s not me.’ However, as our environment becomes increasingly polluted, so do our bodies. And then we grow bugs [parasites, pathogens] in us that are not compatible with human life anymore.” 
Dr. Klinghardt, MD, ‘Under Our Skin’ (2008).
As Dr. Klinghardt said, this is getting serious. Or as Dr. Harvey put it, this is an epidemic. These patients, along with solid science, are being purposefully ignored because IDSA panelists have been bribed and bought.

Could you have Lyme? I suspect I might after a series of flea bites in 2011, and I’m almost positive my mother has had it for a very long time. Her doctors are finally thinking the same. This is no shock to me; as Dr. Klinghardt stated above, Lyme is one of the many microbes that has entered our system. We are all exposed to pathogens and parasites on a daily basis, and are never taught anything about how to cleanse or maintain a largely uninhabitable inner environment (hint: a strong immune system)! In fact, I’m on my third parasite cleanse and still passing worms. What else are we housing that we don’t know about? Why is all of this information ignored?

Lyme presents itself in symptoms often misdiagnosed as Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ALS, MS, Alzheimer’s, Colitis, Encephalitis, Fibromyalgia, Fifth’s Disease, Arthritis, Cystitis, IBS, Lupus, Prostatitis, Psychiatric Disorders (bipolar, depression), Sjogren’s Syndrome, sleep disorders, thyroid disease, and more.

This is a long list, and the number of people who go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed altogether is staggering. As I said, Lyme and hundreds of other pathogens and parasites have taken up residence in our bodies. We have improved our outer practices of hygiene, yet have increased our sources of autointoxication: GMO foods, processed food-like products, overeating, fluoride in water, and chemicals in everything from household cleaners to plastics – just to name a few.

Please watch “Under Our Skin” to learn more about Chronic Lyme disease and how the medical industry continues to ignore this epidemic.

Source: Collective Evolution

9 Reasons To Eat Cucumber Every Day


Cucumber. Even its name sounds cool, crisp, and refreshing! Not only are cucumbers delicious and nutritious, they are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, such as: vitamin K and C, some B vitamins, copper, potassium, and manganese, all of which can help revitalize your health! This squash is definitely something you want to incorporate into your diet as much as possible. You won’t regret it.

9 (Of Many) Amazing Benefits Of Cucumbers

 1. Brain Protection

Cucumbers contain an anti-inflammatory flavonal called fistein that has been shown to play a crucial role in promoting brain health. It is known to improve memory and even protect your nerve cells from declining due to aging, and fisetin has also been found to prevent learning and memory impairments in mice with alzheimer’s disease. (1)

 2. Amazing Antioxidant Properties

Cucumbers are loaded with antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotene. They also contain antioxidant flavonoids like quercetin, apigenin, luteolin, and kaempferol. (2) Quercetin is an antioxidant that has been shown to prevent histamine release, making it a natural antihistamine. Kaempferol can help fight cancer and lower your risk of heart disease.

 3. Reduce Inflammation

Cucumbers can literally help “cool” the inflammatory response system in your body. Some studies conducted on animals found that cucumber extract helps to reduce unwanted inflammation partially by inhibiting activity or pro-inflammatory enzymes. (3)

 4. Cancer Risk Reduction

Cucumbers contain polyphenols called lignans, which can help lower your risk of various cancers such as breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate. (4) They also contain phytonutrients called cucurbitacins (great name) which also have anti-cancer properties! (5)

 5. Digestive Assistant

Cucumbers are loaded with fiber and water, two of the most essential elements that are needed for optimal digestive health. Cucumbers may help to raise the stomach pH, which can assist with symptoms of acid reflux. Also, the skin on cucumbers contains insoluble fiber, which can add bulk to your stool, assisting food to move through your digestive tract quickly and thereby promoting healthy elimination.

 6. Freshen Your Breath

If your breath is a little on the stinky side, you can freshen it up by placing a slice of cucumber on the roof of your mouth. This will help help rid your mouth of odor-causing bacteria. According to Ayurveda, eating cucumbers can also help to release any excess heat in your stomach, which is believed to be a primary cause of bad breath.

 7. Stress Management

Cucumbers contain an assortment of B vitamins including vitamin B1, B5, and B7. B vitamins are known to help ease anxiety and reduce the damaging effects of stress.

 8. Healthy Weight Management

Cucumbers are extremely low in calories, but extremely high in nutrients, so they make a filling and healthy snack. When cucumbers are digesting they dissolve into a gel-like texture which helps to slow down digestion, helping you feel full for longer. This is why fiber rich foods are great for weight management.

 9. Heart Health

Because cucumbers contain potassium, they can assist with lowering blood pressure. Potassium is an electrolyte, and its functions assist with interacting with sodium to help control nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and heart function.

If these are not enough reasons to start eating more cucumbers, then I guess you must really not like them! Be sure to get organic when possible. You can enjoy slices of cucumber in your water, juice it with other veggies, add it to your salad, and just eat it straight up! Its great in the summer, but can definitely be enjoyed all year round. Enjoy!





