The 7 Chakras & Correspondence…


A little bit more about the 7 Chakras …

The chakras change from one energy level to another by distributing Ki (also called Chi, Prana , Mana based on a belief system ) in the physical body .
This is done in part through regulating endocrine systems elsewhere in the body .
Physical problems are often the result of a blockage in the flow of energy in the system formed by the meridians and chakras by the organs or glands to malfunction.
Each chakra also corresponds to one of the major glands of the body :

  1.  Root Chakra is related to the adrenal gland.
  2.  Navel chakra to the ovaries or testicles.
  3.  Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the pancreas.
  4.  Heart Chakra corresponds to the thymus.
  5.  Throat Chakra corresponds to the thyroid gland.
  6.  Third Eye Chakra has a connection to the pituitary gland.
  7.  Crown Chakra is usually associated with the pineal gland.